Turn Your Best Customers Into Your Best Marketers.

We combine the power of AI-driven consumer insights with influencer marketing to deliver unprecedented customer acquisition, retention, and brand loyalty.

Jessica Railton
5 days ago
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Sonia Allen
2 days ago
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Yes, Social Media does work

Lest us show you the Revnu!

Forget the megaphone. Today's consumers crave connection, authenticity, and a sense of belonging.

You don't have to look very far to find out just how impactful influencer marketing is. With results like this, just imagine the impact Revnu.ai can have on your business.

Revenue per dollar spent
Customers who depend on influencer recommendations
Consideration impact from influencers
Consideration impact from celebrity endorsement
Here's how it works

Drive more revnue in two
easy steps

AI driven customer segmentation

Deeply Understand Your Best Customers

Our AI driven tools not only identify your most profitable customers, but also pinpoint your best brand ambassadors & influencers.

Using a combination of your internal purchase data and social media engagement the Revnu Customer Score is unlike anything else available today.

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Unleash the power of authentic recommendations

Activate (and manage) your customer community at scale

With Revnue.ai it's easy to create, manage, and track your influencer marketing campaigns.

Our analytics dashboard gives you insights into the reach, engagement, and revenue generated by your community.Our campaign management tools. Our analytics dashboard gives you insights into the reach, engagement, and revenue generated by your community.
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Consumers trust opinions they find on social media, including those from friends, families and influencers, to help them make the right decision about buying a product or service.
On average, influencer marketing drives 6.5x Return on Ad Spending.1 How does it all work

Here's how Revnu.ai works with you (and your data) 
to turn your best customers into your best influencers.

Find The right influencers

Getting it right drives results


If you're spending money on influencer marketing, you're probably leaving money on the table.

According to the Harvard Business Review, the average firm could have achieved a 16.6% increase in engagement simply by optimizing how they allocated their influencer marketing budgets.

Our AI driven model identifies your best customers, understands their social media behavior, and connects you to your best customers automatically.

The Power of authenticity

Time to get personal


92% of consumers turn to people they know for referrals.

According to McKinsey word of mouth generates twice the sales of paid advertising. Deloitte found that customers acquired through word of mouth have a 37% higher retention rate showing the compounding impact of an effective influencer strategy.

Our AI Driven model puts your best customers to work.

make it seamless and transparent

Clearly see the impact

You'll love the customer insights and brand relationships we build with your best customers, but you also love results.

Track all your campaign KPIs, create custom reports, and demonstrate ROI without a single spreadsheet.


Apps and tools to do more with Revnu.AI

Sure, it's nice to have data but having it delivered automatically is even better. Revnu.ai gets even better when you plug in your existing marketing suite to power your Revnu.AI campaigns.

We're just getting started so here are some fake logos! we're excited to add yours here soon!.

Every big idea starts with a small step forward.

Easily build lasting partnerships with your best customers who ❤️ your brand.

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